Will the friendship amongst drinkers last long?
People like to say that going out to drink alcohol with friends is a means to strengthen unity and promote relationships. It is regarded as promoting friendship. I just wonder if the friendship amongst drinkers will last long.
Core Value # 10: Wise enlightened ones exist
If someone whose mind has been illuminated by a proper understanding of the nine previous sorts of core value has the chance to meet up with a wise ‘good friend ‘ [kalyanamitta], they will appreciate how the level of illumination in their ownn mind has increased as the result of behaviour.
The Benefits of NOT Mixing with a Fool:
If you practice not mixing with fools you can expect to gain many benefits including the following:
For jealous people what is their downside and how can this be rectified?
Buddhist monks may soon learn science in monasteries
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Dhamma Practice (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Sixteen :- Dhamma Practice.
I can’t stress this enough . . . no, really, I can’t
The Process of Human Reformation
Having discovered that all troubles in human society can be traced back to defilements our minds, it is necessary for us to get to the root of the problem by finding a process of reformation which can effectively remove these defilements.
The Origin of World Peace
Everyone wishes to live in a world of peace and happiness. Peace is very precious to all human beings.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Dhamma Practice (4)